Novia News
Keeping you updated with all our latest product news & information for breather membranes, vapour control layers, gas barriers, dual seal tape systems and our market leading BS 1521 building papers

March 2021 - Novia AirSeal 310 Sealant
New to the Novia range of sealing and fixing accessories is Novia AirSeal 310 is a high tack sealing compound developed for use in vapour control and airtight membrane applications. It is manufactured from a solvent free polyacrylic emulsion which ensures an airtight seal in difficult areas such as internal corners, window reveals, and other complicated spaces where applying double sided butyl and foil tapes are challenging.
AirSeal 310 should be combined with the Novia two tape fixing method for vapour control layers and airtightness barriers. Whilst increasing airtightness, AirSeal 310 acts as a bonding agent with some residual elasticity after curing to assist with bonding a vapour control layer to surfaces such as concrete floors, soffits and attaching to steel. It is important to note that AirSeal 310 is not designed as an adhesive and should not be used as such, it is designed to assist in helping the vapour control layer to adhere to a clean, dry and dirt free surface. A vapour control layer still requires mechanical fixings to ensure a secure and permanent, compliant installation.

January 2021 - Novia VC4000 FR Reflective Vapour Control Layer
Kent based specialist Novia Ltd, renowned for their excellent quality and value for money building membranes, have now added another new product to their portfolio. Novia® VC4000 FR Reflective is a high performance, reflective and air-tight vapour control membrane. However, this new membrane also meets EN 13501 fire requirements, to B-s1, d0*and is suitable for applications over 18m in height*. This technically advanced laminate is designed as an air leakage barrier and vapour control layer (AVCL) for use in insulated wall and roof applications requiring high moisture resistance.
The key function of Novia® VC4000 FR Reflective is to help prevent interstitial condensation and minimise air-leakage energy losses, but as it is highly reflective it also delivers improved R and U-values when correctly installed. Novia® VC4000 FR Reflective should be used in conjunction with Novia’s dual tape sealing system, to provide a fully airtight seal. Architects and designers can easily specify Novia® VC400 FR Reflective via NBS Chorus and Source.

November 2020 - Novia's foil VCL Novia VC200 Reflective
Novia® VC200 Reflective is a high performance, reflective and air-tight vapour control membrane. This technically advanced laminate is designed as an air leakage barrier and vapour control layer (AVCL) for use in insulated wall, roof and floor applications requiring high moisture resistance. The key function of Novia® VC200 Reflective is to help prevent interstitial condensation, but as it is also highly reflective it delivers improved R and U-values when correctly installed; in some cases, at little or no additional cost when compared to standard membranes. Novia® VC200 Reflective should be used in conjunction with Novia’s dual tape sealing system, to provide a fully airtight seal. Architects and designers can easily specify Novia® VC200 Reflective via NBS Plus software.
October 2020 - Aluthermo RoofReflex made with Novia Reflex Breather Membrane!
Cost saving top-up insulation from Novia Ltd that help reduce plastic waste
One of the main challenges facing building envelope designers in today’s market is to bring together an ever evolving set of construction products and building materials that will continually improve achieved U-values, and yet keep within strict budget guidelines. Demands from all parts of the market are constantly forcing U-values ever lower and lower, requiring architects to consider new or alternative and innovative ways to meet design criteria. However meeting a particular price-point is still vitally important for many projects to remain viable. One way to cost-effectively improve the energy performance of a building is to increase the R-value of one of the existing components by adding some form of insulation to the component itself, thereby providing additional thermal benefits over and above that normally achievable from a particular building element.
Aluthermo RoofReflex is a CE approved EN 13859 breathable underlay which has been combined with an insulation layer to provide an additional thermal performance within insulated roof and wall designs of up to 1.47 m2.K/W. The additional R- value benefits achieved will vary depending upon the particular application in which it is used. RoofReflex is installed within the building envelope on the cold side of the existing insulation system, as would be the case for a normal breathable underlay. The product still performs the core requirement of all external underlays, which is to provide a secondary protection barrier against a range unwanted external environmental factors. However due to the unique way in which RoofReflex has been combined with an insulation material, the product also provides thermal benefits not available when using traditional underlay products.
Aluthermo RoofReflex is manufactured from Novia Ltd’s high specification Reflex membrane, which is their CE approved low emissivity breathable membrane for roofs and walls. Novia Reflex is laminated to a 37mm thick polyester insulation layer, which is produced from recycled plastic bottles, to make the final Aluthermo RoofReflex product. RoofReflex is manufactured by their insulation partner Aluthermo SA, who are based in Belgium. The product provides a core thermal resistance of 1.00 m2.K/W, which is ideal for topping up other insulation systems. RoofReflex also provides additional thermal resistance benefits of up to 0.47 m2.K/W, by virtue of its low-emissivity surface. The same low emissivity surface will also keep structures cooler in the summer months plus the way that that the product is installed minimises thermal bridging effects. The final thermal benefit is derived by designing the membrane to be fully air-tight (air-impermeable), but still highly vapour-open, thereby providing an external air-leakage barrier. By keeping warm air in, and yet still allowing unwanted moisture to ventilate from the interstitial layer, RoofReflex maximises the buildings thermal performance. An air-tight air-leakage seal is further maintained by providing integral sealing tapes, for use at the overlaps.
Aluthermo RoofReflex is a highly cost effective add-on insulation product. For example when installed in combination with other mineral wool insulation products, there are potential cost savings of 40% to 50% available, when compared to equivalent PIR/PUR installations. As the product also comes with an EN 13501-1 fire classification rating of E, its combined use with mineral wool provides improved fire performance characteristics against some other insulation system designs. RoofReflex even significantly improves the overall acoustic performance of the build, as the recycled polyester insulation is a great sound attenuation material. Aluthermo SA has commissioned a detailed report to test and analyse these acoustic benefits in detail, and to put them into context. The report will be ready for publication during March 2018.
The membrane has both LABC and EPC certification, and comes with a fully underwritten 10 year warranty by Allianz Insurance, as well as mandatory CE compliance to EN 13859-1 and EN 13859-2, which provides specifiers with all the confidence that they might need. As part of maintaining a high specification solution the membrane also conforms to EN 1928 W1 water resistance. The product is supplied in 1.4m x 10m rolls, and is available from Novia Ltd, along with any installation accessory products that may be required.
Aluthermo RoofReflex was launched in the UK by Kent based building membrane specialist Novia Ltd. The membrane further complements Novia’s extensive product range which includes Vapour Control Layers, Vapour Permeable Membranes, Gas Barriers and BS 1521 Building Papers. A number of other innovative insulation products such as Aluthermo Optima and Aluthermo Quattro are also available via Novia Ltd. For further details see: Architects and designers can easily specify Aluthermo RoofReflex via NBS software.

August 2020 - Covid-19 & Novia VC4000 FR VCL Launch
Covid-19 & Novia VC4000VCL Launch. Publication Date: 27th August 2020
Back in February we announced that the Novia News page had gone live on our website. Little did we know how much would change in the following weeks with the onset of Covid-19, national lockdown and so much uncertainty in the construction sector. But despite all this we’re proud to have continued trading through the national lockdown, supplying vital government projects and supporting the NHS during the PPE crisis. We’ve also been working tirelessly to use the time to fast track the development of our fire rated Vapour Control Layer, which has now launched alongside our fire rated Breather Membrane Novia FR.
Introducing Novia VC4000 FR; an innovative fire rated product Class B-s1, d0* fire rated vapour control layer which exceeds current requirements for high rise buildings over 18 metres. With the added benefit of a 95% reflective surface Novia VC4000 FR can also enhance the thermal efficiency of a building, with a low moisture permeability. Novia VC4000 FR is an ideal solution to the challenging fire rating needs of UK Building Regulations in tall buildings.
*Class B-s1, d0 is valid when installed against an AS-s1, d0 or A1 rated board, such as 12mm plasterboard with no cavity between the VC4000 FR and the board. Product tested to EN 13501-1
Promotion – 10% discount on Novia FR Breather / Novia VC4000 FR VCL
Quote WEB10 for a 10% discount on Novia FR Breather Membrane and/or Novia VC4000 FR Vapour Control Layer. Terms apply. Please email or ring 01622 678952 for more information.

February 2020 - News Page & Novia FR Launch
Novia News & Novia FR Launch. Publication Date: 28th February 2020
We're pleased to announce that our Novia News page has now gone live! We will be bringing you all the latest information about our products, new product launches, company success stories and much more. Follow us on our Twitter and/or Facebook page ( and to be kept up to date with our latest posts.
Novia FR Breather Membrane - New Product Launch at Futurebuild 2020
Throughout February we've been planning and preparing for our launch of Novia FR at this year's Futurebuild Exhibition at the Excel in London (Exhibiting 3rd - 5th March 2020). Novia FR is a B-s1, d0* fire class membrane which has been CE marked for both roof and wall applications, making it suitable for applications over 18m in height in alignment with recent changes to building regulations in England. The membrane has undergone testing to ensure a fully W1 class waterproof material has been developed as well as maintaining excellent breathability throughout the lifespan of the installation. The product will be available to purchase from early March 2020, but architects and designers will also be able to easily specify our Novia FR via NBS Plus software for future projects. *when fitted to A1 or A2 materials. D-s2,d0 on wood materials
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